Michelle Richard - RMT
Massage Therapy:
The body has been created to move. Movement occurs through muscular contraction. Massage Therapy is one of many natural health options that focus on relieving discomfort due to stress, muscular overuse, or injury. Receiving massage regularly is a preventative form of therapy. It keeps a person in touch with how the muscular system may be strained and compensating due to a variety of factors, such as work, physical, and personal stress. We do not always sense what is happening within our own bodies until it reaches a breaking point. This breaking point can be avoided with appropriate care, like regular massage. The following is a list of conditions that massage therapy can aid in the treatment of:
Practitioner Profile: Michelle Richard is a Registered Massage Therapist, and has been in practice since October 1999. She graduated from the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in North York. As a strong and perceptive therapist, Michelle provides advice to help maintain health and wellness of the muscular system. She also provides customized treatments (deep tissue and/or relaxation) based on patient needs. As a health professional, Michelle is open to client feedback, and works actively with clients to help them achieve their treatment objectives. . Do we give our body what it needs? Our health is primarily our own responsibility. In her practice, Michelle believes that when a therapist and patient act as partners, a feeling of wellness and good health will be achieved. With a relationship based on open communication and trust, they can work together towards common and realistic goals. What To Expect With Treatment: At the first massage visit, patients complete a general case history outlining their health concerns and goals for treatment. After reviewing the information provided, Michelle may ask additional questions and provides a recommendation to help the patient achieve his or her goals. Some patients specifically request a relaxation massage: this is generally lighter in pressure and does not have the side effect of post treatment soreness. Other patients seek deep tissue massage to correct problems in the muscular system, which are causing symptoms of pain and discomfort. To effectively treat these types of problems, greater pressure must be applied. Patients may feel soreness during deep tissue massage, however pressure can be modified to ensure patients remain comfortable during their massage while receiving effective treatment. It is especially common to feel soreness after the very first massage treatment if deep tissue massage is used to correct problems in the muscular system. Soreness typically lasts one to two days and is mild to moderate in nature. Many patients find that homecare, consisting of an Epsom salts bath and gentle exercise, helps to detoxify and stretch the muscles. Massage Frequency: Patients with symptoms such as pain are usually treated weekly until the underlying problems in the muscular system are corrected. Patients receiving maintenance care to help maintain health are typically scheduled on a monthly basis. Massage therapy is often included under employee health coverage plans. |